Did these get your attention?
I do alot of behaviour change training around waste and this caught my attention. By making bins more colourful (and therefore salient) you can increase bin usage and reduce littering. Same bins, just a lick of vinyl!

Engaging social housing residents with waste reduction
I have been doing lots of research on successful initiatives around engaging social housing residents with waste reduction.

A positive yarn of action to tell a story
This article is a great example of an action-based approach rather than an issue- based approach. The article still gets across the problems of the global fashion industry but presents it through someone tackling it, not how bad the issue is first.

Mental shortcuts for recycling
Our brains are wired for energy conservation and to create mental shortcuts, what behavioral scientists call heuristics. I know that recycling is confusing, I spend a lot of time talking with clients about recycling issues and trying to unravel what waste contractors do and don’t accept. As well as what the claims made on packaging actually mean.

Zero Waste Week Office Challenge
For your zero waste week, why not have some fun in the office and set some challenges to reduce waste.A week long challenge encourages people try things out. At the end of the week you can look at what people are happy to keep working on or developing. First of all what is waste? Well according to the 2008 Waste Framework Directive, Waste means any substance or object which the holder discards, intends […]

Littering: Why this sign won’t improve littering
From a behavioural psychology perspective here are three reasons why this sign simply acknolwedges the reason people litters rather than trying to change them.

7 Tips to Improve Recycling at Work
Are you the person that is forever re-sorting the recycling at work and pulling coffee cups out of the paper stream? It can be easy to blame people for not doing the recycling ‘properly’ in the office but maybe there are some limitations with the set-up. Check out these tips: Why your bin system could be the problem 1. Remove the under-desk binAs humans we look for the easy option and the short cuts, so […]

How to do an Office Waste Audit
What’s in your bin? In order to understand what your biggest waste issues are, the first thing to do is a waste audit. This will let you know the volumes of items and what is in the wrong place e.g. coffee cups in the paper recycling. What you will need Gloves Paper and pen Table Tarpaulin or sheet Space A colleague or two to help A camera Steps to take First off, do […]

Food Waste Findings for a Sustainable Food City
In the build-up to Bristol’s campaign to achieve Gold status as a Sustainable Food City, we have been working with Bristol Food Network to produce a guide on how food businesses can reduce their food waste. Find out more about the project’s ambitions, how we worked with food businesses to gather data on their food waste as well as getting some top food waste tips. Photo credit: WRAP Worldwide 1/3 of […]