Sustainability Policy

The Sustainable Sidekicks are a sustainability and behaviour change consultancy with a mission to support and empower business owners, event managers and green champions have the greatest impact on reducing their impacts and increasing their engagement for the benefit of planet, people and responsible profit. 


The Sustainable Sidekicks value most:

  • Mother nature and the wonders of planet earth
  • Community and collaboration
  • Learning and knowledge sharing
  • Breaking down the business as usual mould 
  • Freerange working (non-geographical restrictions)
  • Changemakers

Which informs our business aims of:

  • Inspiring and supporting those who want to make a change
  • Making education and training accessible 
  • Creating an organisation and working culture that doesn’t rely on convenience, consumerism or aviation travel
  • Financially supporting grassroots projects on the frontline of environmental and social crises 
  • Funding rewilding
  • Creating time for volunteering and time in nature


The Sustainable Sidekicks identify that the world is facing a raft of interconnected social and environmental crises including:

  • Climate chaos
  • Ecological destruction and biodiversity loss
  • Overuse and waste of resources
  • Gender and racial inequalities​
  • Climate colonialism leading to climate refugees

These are being exacerbated by financial greed, power and wealth inequalities from:

  • Business conglomerates 
  • The global North-South divide 
  • Consumerism and the linear economy GDP measured on financial growth over human and environmental wellbeing

Whilst the environmental sector has positive impacts it also has huge issues around:

Business Vision

Consultancy/social enterprise working remotely from overland locations with a low carbon online platform empowering environmental superheroes whilst funding rewilding projects and front-line grass roots projects.

Scope of Vision:

The Sustainable Sidekicks have defined the scope of the policy: 

  • Online carbon footprint (websites, emails and cloud storage)
  • Waste minimisation
  • Remote working
  • Funding rewilding projects
  • Supporting underrepresented young people to join the sustainability sector

2022 Commitments:

The Sustainable Sidekicks are committed to these Sustainable Development Goals and will report annually against them:


Freely share learnings and tips from behavioural psychology and social practice theory to increase environmental behaviour change without having to convert everyone to become  environmentalists.


        Highlight and address the link between social and environmental injustices and share learnings      to address the lack of diversity in the sector


Donate 10% of all online content to environmental and social grass-root projects

Donate 20% of all consultancy income to Rewilding project funding

This sustainability policy will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Head Sustainable Sidekick, Livvy Drake .

Signed ………………………………….. 
Date 01.04.2022