Adopt a sustainable events mindset
How to deliver sustainable events without an environmental degree
Are you an event professional who:
Is keen to deliver more sustainable events but is feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?
Are getting requests to use ‘sustainable materials’ and you are unsure if these are ‘greenwash’ nonsense?
Is fed up on the amounts of waste created at the end of your events?
‘Adopting a sustainable events mindset’ will equip you with:
- The key ways to approach sustainability without needing an environmental degree
- How to navigate materials that claim to be ‘sustainable’ ‘biodegradable’ ‘green’
- What to prioritise when you think about sustainability in events
- How to ensure clients, colleagues and contractors are on the same page about what sustainability means for your event/s
- How to avoid the common mistakes that people make when they think of ‘sustainability’
Following this workshop your problem-solving mindset will have shifted and you will have a wealth of ideas to develop.
Pricing and Buy Now
Download the on-demand workshop now so you can begin to rethink your approach to changing behaviours.
Free places are available to campaigners from marginalised communities so get in contact!
Confidence boost guaranteed

We polled the live attendees on how confident they felt.
1 = Not confident to even make a start
6 = Confidently navigating sustainability in all my events
After the mastermind 95% polled 4-6 vs only 44% before.
It was inspiring learning. It has really helped me prepare a first draft sustainable events policy and I am now preparing how I will measure/audit our events.
Karen, Ecosurety
Thanks for a great seminar- will certainly try to implement an impacts workshop in the future.
Annabel, Bright Event Management & Production
Tommorrow I am going to talk to the mayor of my city and I will be taking some ideas you’ve shared with us. Thanks so much
Sara Franzini Gabrielli, Sustainable Event Manager

Who am I to be facilitating this session?
I have worked across the events sector from hospitality and sponsorship to conferences and outdoor events and festivals.
After becoming disheartened about the wastefulness of the events industry, I began focusing on sustainability.
I have worked delivering sustainability at festivals and events including Shambala, Google Next and Cisco Live. As well as auditing events around the world.