The use of gamification for walking campaigns

By Livvy Drake

What gets kids walking?

The month of October is international walk to school month around the world.

Coincidently, I was recording an audio snapshot for my Changemakers Mentoring programme on gamification for sustainability and came across an example I thought I would share, as it’s very relevant.

In Brisbane an Active School Travel programme achieved:

23% reduction of car trips fell (on average per student, and overall)

50% of students at participating schools travelled to school each day using active travel options (compared to a state average of only 25%)

82% of parents believed their children’s road safety awareness had improved as a result of the program

This campaign was based on making it fun for children using gamification mechanisms of:

Furthermore, the councils:

Provided skills training for cycling, and road awareness to overcome the parents concerns.

Plus supported the schools with dedicated staff following up with them.

Where else could these techniques be used to encourage sustainable behaviour change?

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